About checkers

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Here is a list of articles about checkers. Checkers is the entertainment of the human mind, but only until you wanted to win.

#AboutCheckers #Checkers #Draughts #IntelimpianGames

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History of checkers

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In the article “History of checkers” we will tell a brief history of the origin and development of the logical game in the world and Russia. You will learn the features of the game and interesting facts. When and where did the game of checkers appear? In order to answer this question, historians turned to ancient Egypt….

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Rules of checkers

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In the article “Rules of checkers” we will tell in detail the rules and principles of the game in Russian and international checkers, get acquainted with the device of the checkerboard. A good player loses without excuses, wins with gratitude and agrees to a draw with a smile.

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