About backgammon

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We bring to your attention a list of articles about backgammon. Our life is like a game of backgammon – fate throws us dice, and we make our move…

#AboutBackgammon #Backgammon #BoardGames

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History of backgammon

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History of Backgammon is the story of one of the oldest board games in the world, which has deep roots and has attracted the attention of millions of people around the world. Similar to checkers, backgammon has evolved over the millennia….

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Rules of backgammon

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In the article “Backgammon Rules” we will tell you the rules of backgammon long and short backgammon. Backgammon game usually starts with the first move draw: players roll the dice, and the one with the higher value is the first to go.

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