About the game Go

Про игру Го

We offer you a list of articles about the game Go. Go is not just a game, but a whole philosophy that helps to make non-standard decisions in business.

#AboutGo #AboutGameGo #Go #IntelligentGames

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History of Go

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In the article “History of Go” we will tell a brief history of the intellectual game that conquers the planet. You will learn the main stages of popularization of the game in the world and Russia. Go is an intellectual game with an age of several millennia…

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Rules of Go

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In the article “Rules of Go” you will learn the classic rules of the ancient intellectual game, features and interesting points that have existed for more than 4,000 years. Two opponents take part in the game. At the beginning of the game, the board is completely empty, there is not a single stone on it….

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